Friday, 28 January 2011

Finished digipack

Here is my finished Digipack. For my Digipack i did not want to follow what Tommy and Jay were doing of playing on the idea of Magma and lava i wanted to play on the idea more that he was a DJ and give the Digipack a more upbeat club feel much like our video i feel the album goes with the video as it shows this night club scene, the images of the bright purple in the background i feel connote a club scene really well. I put a Photo of Tommy in a DJ pose on the front cover and turned the brightness down on him so this connotes the idea that he is DJ magma and i put a black square in front of him so it looks like his deck, the text i have used as well i feel suit the DJ as his album name is in this club looking neon font, and his name is in this fire magma font which connotes the word magma.

1 comment:

  1. Add some analysis/explanation of why you used these images/colours,/typography etc and explain which elements are original and whicha re found images.
