These are some of the screenshots that show our groups editing process i could not put them all on so i have just put a few outling the brief process of our editing process which we have nearly finished. Some of the techniques we used were to use montage shots so there were a fast succession of shots you will see this in the beginning of our video off Hayley getting ready another technique we used was to tile some of the images as i have explained in a previous post which is where you get a selected image you want and put the effect tile on it which gives it the feel off looking through a gyroscope as a kid and gives it a party feel. Another technique we used was a thing i have talked a lot about throughout the blog is time-lapsing which is really the highpoint of our video as it shows london at night at its brightest and really connotes a club feel like the city is dancing with the song. My role through the editing process was to help Jay as he edited by coming up with the ideas and showing him the plan to stick to whilst he edited and he taught me how to use a lot of final cut pro which i can say i know how to use as i have only ever used imovie, i also told jay what was and was not in sync and told him where to put certain things, in a way me and Tommy were his advisors to how we wanted the Video as Jay did the majority of the editing for the video.
Comment on your role within the diting process and some of the techniques used.